SUDC Foundation promotes awareness, advocates for research and supports those affected by SUDC. Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) is a category of death in children between the ages of 1 and 18 that remains unexplained after a thorough investigation, including an autopsy. Most often, a seemingly healthy child goes to sleep and never wakes up. A medical examiner or coroner could rule a child’s death SUDC when s/he completes a thorough evaluation and finds no other cause of death. Due to variations in investigations and the way deaths are certified- we do not know exactly how often SUDC occurs. This is why the advocacy work the SUDC Foundation does, and the research it funds, are so important. Consistency in recording unexplained deaths improves our understanding of the magnitude of SUDC and allows for the appropriate allocation of resources. Ways to help the SUDC Foundation: online donation, corporate giving, or Amazon Smile. Host an Afternoon Tea Fundraiser – contact Rebecca Cameron rebcameron@hotmail.com for more information.
SCA Foundation is a Non-Profit organization dedicated toward increasing awareness about sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a life-threatening emergency that occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. It strikes people of all ages who may seem to be healthy, even children and teens. When SCA happens, the person collapses and doesn’t respond or breathe normally. SCA leads to death in minutes if the person does not get help right away. Survival depends on people nearby calling 911, starting CPR¹, and using an AED² (if available) as soon as possible. CALL-PUSH-SHOCK. SCA is the third leading cause of death in the U.S.
CPR - If you need CPR training to know how to keep your loved ones safe, the American Red Cross has world-class instructors and award-winning online courses to ensure that you get the latest information, and quality instruction.
Wolf Haven International - Isla’s favorite animal! Did you know that you can adopt a wolf at Wolf Haven? Isla adopted Willow for her birthday last year. Wolf Haven conducts sanctuary visits, although temporarily suspend- ed due to COVID. Other ways to support Wolf Haven: Amazon Smile, Amazon Wish, Howl-a-thon, Wolves & Wine fundraiser, and Midsummer’s Night event.
Pet Partners is the national leader in demonstrating and promoting the health and wellness benefits of animal-assisted therapy, activities, and education. Join us for The World’s Largest Pet Walk on Saturday, September 25th!
Best Friends Animal Society is a leading national animal welfare organization dedicated to ending the killing of dogs and cats in America’s shelters.